Welcome Back… Long time
It was a four day visit to so called Rome of the East… Goa, and I am putting my experiences here, after more than a week coming back from the trip. It was a long vacation, considering average Indian corporate holidays and I had so many wonderful memories of this vacation. I may not be able to write it in one go, so I will keep updating this post till it finishes or I will post it separately in a different blog. Since I was busy in many, mostly personal works, I could not be regular on writing… there are so many things which I wanted to blog (Delhi and home trips, friends wedding, kind of small get together with friends, some long/small travel etc) but I think may be I will write them later or I may skip (depends)… anyway first let me concentrate on this post. Hope I would be able to finish it before my third proposed US trip.
Date: 13th March, 2010
Time: 3:30 PMPrelude Let’s start with an adage… Long journey begins with small steps.
But in this case it began with a question… what are you doing this weekend?
By that time I didn’t have any idea that Tuesday is a holiday (Karnataka new year festival, Ugadi), so by taking holiday on Monday I will have complete four day long vacation. I am surprised how could I miss this considering most of the time I spend in my office watching time and seeing company holiday calendar, which is pinned in my cubical before the start of new year. So this was an opportunity to make my holiday large and I am not in a big favor of sitting idle at my flat for four days.
Considering professional journey is giving me money but at the same time has put so many constraints that there are so many items in my bucket list which has become pending for quite a long time. I choose to finish one of them… GOA.
Well, we friends had thought it years back to make a road trip to Goa, but considering so many desired thing happened in everyone’s life that this desire just went undone. Some possible reasons I could think of… engagement or commitment with girlfriend(s) (apart from one guy this is singular), work pressure, project deadlines, family trips or preferring spending hardly earned holiday by just spending it by sitting idle in 2BHK rented flat. Reasons are not excuses but they can be justifications. Even I had some reasons but now thought not let any reason to be responsible for my inability to go for Goa trip, any more. And I didn’t only think… I did.
Do I look like a guy with a Plan???Anyway I concluded if I went on keep planning for it, it will just never happen. So like the Joker of Dark Knight, who doesn’t believe in planning and as he said in movie ‘I am a guy who just do things’, I decided to just do it. To hell with planning and I booked my round trip bus ticket to Goa on Tuesday afternoon, just like that. This was the only plan I had done for this trip. I tried to book my ticket by train to make it cheaper, but money saving line is not in my palm.
After booking my ticket, I put my long weekend vacation plan on my Facebook status, so in case if someone would like to join or give some suggestions or comments for the trip or on the trip. But I knew I am going alone and as expected I just got comments. Sankalp said he will catch me there and Juhi also guessed it, but I knew if Sankalp would keep his even ten percent words (even ten here is very much optimistic side) then he would be the next Bill Gates. He is like Saif of the first scene from movie Salam Namaste… if he says he is at your door, means he is still in bed. Oh O… My Goa trip…
I had some discussion with my colleagues in the company about the places to visit in Goa and related stuffs like lodging fooding there. Manmeet suggestion to rent a scooter at Panjee was the only advice I followed and it was highly useful and made my trip memorable and easy. Thursday night I bought Outlook travelers book for Goa and also got one Road map of it at 50 percent discount. I decided to keep my luggage as simple as possible so planned to pack my bag just half an hour before my departure (not advisable at all).
Friday it was fun day at office as we went to Bangalore International Auto Show in afternoon and I came to my flat directly from there. I withdraw 1500/- from ATM before leaving for Goa. As I promised my self, I took 4 T-shirt, 2 shorts, towel, tooth paste, tooth brush, sunscreen, my camera, torch, Swiss-knife and two useless photo IDs in my $44 Swiss-gear bag and left my flat in my 5 year old jeans, T-shirt and sleeper. And yes, I also took my travel book, diary and pen with me. I was almost two and half hour before the bus departure time but thinking of Bangalore’s traffic, specially on weekend evening, I said a short silent prayer to catch the bus. Well, my prayer got answered and I reached before the departure of the bus.
My journey to Goa has just began. I was thrilled just by thinking I am going alone first time in any long vacation. Bus was cold and those smart guys didn’t provided any blanket. I had to spent my night in bus sitting with both my hand either folded over my chest or keeping them between my legs. Once I given the thought of Sati’s innovative Idea related to fight cold while our Singhgadh bike trip, but felt that awkward in bus. So I will say it was a literally cold start of my trip…
Solitary RiderMy bus reached Panaji next day afternoon. Realizing it was the last stop, I stepped down the bus without asking anyone. I was hungry, tired, exhausted and its damn hot out there, but here I am in Goa now I am excited. The feeling was different, I am at a totally new but famous place and I am Alone. But there was something which was giving me confidence: My gender, Money and English. After some time I found Hindi is even more handy at this palce otherwise I was under influence that this place is under umbrella of Thakrey’s manus who see Hindi speaking as some virus.
I bought mountain dew and I don’t know why, but I took a bus to some unknown place just saying that I have to go from where ferry goes. After some interaction with locals inside bus I got down at a place where ferry was coming. My first impression of Goan people was very good. They treat you as a guest and really eager to help you in the best way possible. Most of them also understand and speak Hindi and English. Well, after coming down from bus I realized I am in some kind of trance or hangover of the journey and decided to relax for a while. I went into a road side restaurant bar and ordered fanta where everyone else was chilling with beer. I opened my Goa road map and tried to figure out where am I? after some attempt I decided to take the help of restaurant guy and asked him from where can I get the rented bike. Only in Goa, I found even drinking guy can be sober and can behave like a normal person. They suggested me to go back to Panaji bus-stand and I can rent bike there near post-office.
So here is
Tip1: After reaching some new place, take some time to adjust and settle your mind, relax for a while, sit and eat something, don’t do anything but just look and get familiar with the place. After finding yourself relaxed, make plan and execute them.
Now till now I was out of my trans and took a bus back to Panaji bus-stand and I was back to square one after an hour roaming in Panaji. Near bus-stand I roamed for some time to get a better deal for scooter and after some time I took a brand new looking Honda Activa from the very first guy I talked and bargained. 300/- per day. Always carry some useless photo ID with you, these guys may ask you to deposit one Photo ID to them. Also, there are many ATMs available nearby, so you can get some cash near bus-stand for the journey.
Tip2: Prefer to take scooter over bike, as scooter has extra storage space, which can be really handy specially when you are alone. Also, don’t forget to take helmet with the scoter/bike and before paying check all the major functionality like headlight, indicator, horn etc.
I liked my Activa, Shiny black, just 6000km clocked and very smooth engine sound. I withdraw 2500/- from ICICI ATM, filled the fuel tank, asked one guy the direction for Calangute beach and here I am on my way (around 1pm).
Woooow… what a feeling!!! I am driving in Goa. I don’t know what was really exciting me, driving myself after long and even that is Activa, which I had never driven (I just learned, to start Activa you need to press the brake and then push start button) or Goa?
Well, lets finalize on… Driving in Goa.
Roads are nice and traffic is smooth. Again here comes a tip.
Tip3: At least for first day or initial 10-15km, drive very carefully and slow. You have a new vehicle and roads and traffic behavior is completely unknown to you. Even to know your vehicle response some time is required.
I didn’t face any difficulty finding my way to Calangute as road side sign boards are very well placed and at regular distance. It was pretty hot out there and I was in my jeans, but Activa is a fun vehicle to ride.
On my way, I had given lift to a kid who was returning from work and heading towards Calangute. His name is Hussain and it has worked very well till now. After asking him if he knows some place to put on near Calangute, he guided me at Calangute to find a cheap room. There was no vacancy there and we came to Baga beach. After exploring some place with the help of Hussain and his classmate Prathmesh (both std 7 student, Prathmesh is one month older but looks several year younger to Hussain), they manage to get me a room 700/- per day. I am liking this stay as it is just beside the beach and whole beach is visible from my stay. Just after finalizing the room I changed to shorts and these two kids has taken me to Baga beach too for a small walk. Its around 4pm and a bit hot but beach has plenty of tourist, mostly foreigners. Just after reaching at beach we got some warm thrilling welcome from two Labradors. I hate dogs. Well, I should say they scare the shit out of me. I find Baga an amazing beach. Fine sand, clean beach, clear water, nice waves and less cloths… I returned from beach within half an hour to take some rest and these two kids have promised me to come at 7pm to take me to beach walk.
I came back to my room, got fresh and started writing in my diary. In the loo after finishing I realized there is no soap and neither did I bring it along. After thinking some time for alternative idea, I used tooth paste to wash my hand. I know most of you have never used it, but it really works. I concluded you may also use shaving cream for this ;) (boys only). But I didn’t bring that too, so I didn’t have alternative. Almost everything which foams, can be used as soap…I concluded.
Tip4: Always carry at least one paper soap.
Its hot here and people are very warm. They are easy to talk and cooperative. Till now I have started to have good feeling about this place and this trip. I have seen many foreigners semi nude in two piece cloths. Don’t take me wrong but its very unlike India. I too had decided to use minimum cloths and chill out at beaches for coming days. So till now I have rented a scooter, drive till Baga without any problem, got a nice room at beach and socialize with some local boys. So it’s a good start of the vacation.
I have decided to eat something and relax for a while before I prepare myself for the evening beach walk.
I will keep updating my diary and will share my experiences on regular basis… till then, Take Care :)
Date: 14th March, 2010
Time: 1:15 AM
Just coming from the night club, Da Baga Club. I would not have spent more than 15min there when I realized I am caught at wrong place. There were very friendly girls dancing around on the floor. So much friendly, that you could have bring home at some reasonable price after some bargain. That’s why I just left the place after seeing the ambience even after paying 300/- for the entry. I didn’t like that place even a bit.
Today I went to the beach several times. At 6:00PM I went down to my flat and walked to Baga beach. After spending almost an hour I came back to my scooter and had a short drive to Aropa. After returning I found Prathamesh and he took me to Calangute beach at around 8pm. Beach looked pretty different at night but it was still crowded. We returned from that place in a while and headed to Anjuna beach. In between Hussain younger brother Raja also joined the ride. It is a long ride from Baga and at night could not have a proper glimpse of the beach. Also, remember its not a safe ride at night to Anjuna, as there are roads which are deserted at night and those surroundings are not very friendly either (as per those local kids). We went back to Tito’s and had chocolate shake there. After that we went to the beach and had our dinner with all kind of fun going around. This was my first ever dinner on beach. There was a kid who was doing some acrobats with fire and walking on rope, happened to be Prathamesh’s friend. There were fireworks, there was DJ and it was Goa. I had a wonderful time there in those cool sea breeze. After dinner I dropped those two kids their home, Parked my scooter at my stay and took a walk to the beach.
Its almost midnight and I was sitting alone in dark very close to the waves on dry sand. Some singer was singing classical pop at some distant restaurant and couples were dancing there holding each other. Waves were modulating their roaring sound in sync with wind speed…partial clouded sky with randomly visible stars… few glowing lights of boats in the sea… fireworks illuminating sky with cracking sounds, now and then… there were so many things to fill the vacancy of those moments.
I was not feeling peace, neither getting depress, neither feeling happiness nor being sad. May be for some reason I guess even I was not very much enjoying those moments… but kind of liking it and felt like sitting there for longer and even just to sleep on the cool sand in the dark listening waves and seeing stars with breeze coming from sea blowing all over me…
What is the difference between those times at my flat and this moment, when I am alone at both place. Well if you just minus sea and related stuffs, I don’t have a living company at both places. I don’t know how and why but there are times when you get your wishes even you don’t ask for.
After spending almost an hour at beach alone, when I suddenly turned back to see around, I realized… I was not alone. Almost 10 meters behind me at an angle of 20degree from vertical in anticlockwise direction there was a couple in the coziest possible position. Trust me, I didn’t wish for it after seeing the shooting star… but here it was. Anyway after 10min I got up, patted my butt and legs to remove sand and kept going towards my room. Before hitting my bed, I took my scooter and had a short ride in the sleeping town, went to above mentioned club and came back from there in 15min.
Saturday Trance
Oh yes… one thing I forgot to mention worth mentioning. I visited Saturday night shopping fair while coming back from Anjuna. That place was over crowded and was occupied by almost 98% foreigners and in my country first time I felt like if I am a migrant here. It was fuller than its capacity but there were beauties all over the place, every inch of it, except the inch where I was standing. Someone had said, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. In that case this very moment I was the owner of most beautiful eyes in the world. Even heaven could get the services of these charming beauties in this recession time, if they are having tough time to hire full time Apsara. Apart from shops and seductions there was a Live performance of trans music going on by some foreigner group. It was one of the best live performance I have ever witnessed. The music was indeed capable of sending you in different state of mind. With music, the act of rotating and balancing several crystal balls all over their body by one of group member while doing yoga, was just terrific. Hats off to their performance. I didn’t recognize the instrument they were playing apart from flute but that was a treat to eyes, ears and soul. Terrific.
Now I am about to sleep in a while and planning to have a morning walk on beach early morning (IF, I get up), will try to visit Calangute, Baga and Anjuna and also bath in the sea.
Good night all. Sweet dreams. May peace prevail.
P.S. I bought one soap and with my swiss knife I cut a small piece from it for hand wash purpose. Now I can save some of my toothpaste.
Date: 14th March, 2010
Time: 7:30 PM
I am just coming from the beach (Baga).
I went there at 12:30 and returning at 7:30. One beach, one day. Anyway as I thought I would take morning walk on the beach, could not happen. I was so lazy to get up in the morning at finally woke up at12:00. Just brushed my teeth, took my sling bag with a towel and undergarment and went to the beach. To avail the luxury of sun-bed, I ordered one Budweiser and occupied one of the closest sun-bed to the sea. Well, slowly but steadily I removed all my cloths but one. After using my sun-screen lotion I lied there for couple of hour enjoying my drink with club veg sandwich.
I never saw so much of flesh show in my entire life. I got up after some time and went straight to the sea. Nice beach, nice waves, nice babes, nice weather, nice…nice. I came back after taking sea bath to take another sun bath. After getting dried up I used sun screen again this time I ordered Foster. This was the second unit in my almost empty stomach and I was getting high a bit, so I decided to take a nap. I guess after sleeping for an hour, I went again to the sea and left my body on the mercy of mighty sea.
Now I am done here and thought to leave for Calangute. So I dressed up and took a walk on the beach. At the end of the beach there is a hill and I dropped my plan to go to Calangute and decided to go for a small trek. Well, that thought was well awarded and I could see a whole new picture of Baga beach and the sea and the evening and everything. Trek was not tough but considering I was alone and no one was nearby finding the path was a bit tough. Anyway I climbed through hill, trails, sand and finally found a rock to sit which was almost the highest sitting location in that vicinity and was giving amazing panoramic view. I found I was not the first to conquer that stone as there was a name ‘VINOD’ was written on that stone in white (all capital letters). Thought it must be a guy act, as there is no chance that a girl will climb this high to write her boyfriend name…only guys can be this much crazy and they are. Who knows that guy would be a gay or didn’t have any girlfriend. I can not understand the mentality of someone writing his or someone’s name at this place. Anyway, I didn’t spend much time to think this and started enjoying the sun going down and appreciating it. At very rare moments you feel as you are above sun… and this was that moment. Sun took the evening bath in the sea to cool his temper and whole sky slowly getting darker by each passing moments…everything was so scenic, pleasant and beautiful.
At around 6:30 I decided to climb down. Just that fine moment college time fun shayri came alive in my mind… “Galib chadha pahad par, kar ke c**** chode; Upar se aawaj aayi, ab utrega kaise b**** ke ***e”. I just smiled and started following the back trek. It took me another hour to reach flat as my previous path was filled with deep water now. Anyway amazing day till now.
Now I had realized what holiday and taking a break means. Sleeping on sun-bed almost naked with cool breeze from sea blowing over the body was a treat for body, mind and soul. I never felt awkward as closer to me there was a lady lying in the same quantity of cloth as of me, actually slightly even less. So you know…
Now after having bath at my flat will go to Tito’s and small ride. Even my this holiday is not over but I have started to look forward to such kind of holiday vacation. Well guys, that is a kind of place, Goa.
Come here, be here and relax.
Date: 14th March, 2010
Time: 11:45 PMUnder the influence of –OHGuys, I am drunk and drunk too much. After so long I have drunk this much and first time ever, alone. If I recollect correctly this is third time I drunk alone… once in Pune, once in Bangalore and once here in Goa. Tonight I tried Hukka too, but could not finish as I coughed everytime I tried to take a puff from it. I think (or can I think now?) after three beer, one vodka and two tequila I am a bit high. But anyway I am going to beach now. May return late.
Good night all of you. Take care.
P.S. I did take a long ride in Goa today evening and I did all drinking at Tito’s while seeing one, sorry two beautiful girls (foreigners). I guess they noticed but as usual they ignored… (as they were beautiful ;) )
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: 2:24 AMJust returned from the beach. Had another large Smirnoff there. I think I am too drunk but considering I traced back my flat and writing this after changing my cloths, I think I am not at my highest level… you know what I mean here. Anyway I spent an hour at beach and then had a walk and found one restaurant open where I had my vodka watching different people around. I realized a girl sitting alone changed her sit to make her invisible from my sight, may be she thought I am staring at her… well I didn’t shift my chair to make her visible again, so I know I didn’t have any other intention and I was in control. Anyway after finishing my drink I didn’t order for next as I realized otherwise I will have to spend my night on the sand of the beach. With some effort and some luck I traced back my way to my room in the dark fortunately… and after changing my cloth and writing this (man you should look at my handwriting now) I am going to sleep. I have something in my mind but no plans for tomorrow. Lets just try to wake up as early as possible. Remaining will try later.
Anyway guys… take care and God bless. :)
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: I guess around 1PMI am on Calangute beach. The most crowded beach I have seen here. Again today I woke up at around 11am, after getting call from Aloke. I was still in hangover but decided to get up as I had some activity to finish. Parasailing is one of them.
I came to Calangute, as usual took free sunbed with Foster. After gulping it I guess my hangover is over. Took a bath, sunbath and sea bath, now planning to move for parasailing and say good bye to Calangute. I like Baga over Calangute as that gives you more space. That’s what we look for in vacation, isn’t? Anyway today I am carrying my diary with me to update it regularly.
P.S. A foreigner couple lying next to me almost necked got pissed off and shouted and scolded some Indians travelers as they were trying to take his semi nude girl’s pic candidly. They were group of almost eight but believe me I could see how scared they became… look at their face man. Well, bad deed never have enough courage to stand strong. That guy saying ‘don’t be a pervert man’, I liked. May be I am like that only but I will never try or never take pics like it. For such kind of pics I have Mr. Google. He can provide all kind of hot and steamy pics ;) …
Anyway lesson learned, don’t get caught doing bad act. Do it wisely. Even your job is done and they are not uncomfortable and embarrassed. Win-win for both. :D
Take care.
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: It would be around 2 PM according to Sun position :)Just came from parasailing. Nice experience. Hanging above sea and watching around. That’s what I say… bird’s eye view. Rs 300 well spent and now going to head to Anjuna. Heard that is not a place to have bath, so just going to visit that place for sight seeing and will think later… next is what?
I don’t know what is it, empty stomach beer or some kind of sea sickness, not feeling very well. That’s why just spending some time writing this before I leave for Anjuna. Now feeling a bit relaxed. Also, thinking to get one temporary tattoo. What’s say guys? Worth trying, isn’t? Well off course you all will say yes… I know you all… :P Anyway will think my way and will decide. One more day to go and I think I am all occupied with plans.
Ok guys write you all soon… till then enjoy the nature and do smile
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: 2:30PM, I heard from someone saying the timeI am at Anjuna. As I thought no crowd at all. No place for bath. No sea beach restaurant . No water sports. Compared to previous two beaches, we can say it deserted. But not like desert, rocky beach, unfit for bath but terrific for sight seeing and relaxing. Well not very decent memory I will carry along from this place, as slipped on the rocky beach and slipped badly with camera in my hand. I guess I broke my camera as now I am unable to take pictures.
Anyway, now thinking to move to Arambol beach after fueling my body with bruised legs and right hand. Anyway no serious damage made and I am all set to go alone. I found an amazing place to sit and write this at a restaurant with sea facing seats on a railing. Cool breeze and soaring sea under sun giving me amazing treat. Well let me enjoy this with mango shake and veg club sandwich. No alcohol please. Will get back soon with some additional news of different place. Till then take care and enjoy.
P.S. my tattoo wish is still pending but on.
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: 3:30PM (I guess)
At Arambol beach. Amazing place, amazing view. Guys, I am sitting besides so many hot chicks in g string. Weather is hot and they are making it hotter. Well, I am going to take a dip in the sea. Later will decide anything else. It was a long ride till here but worth worth the effort.
Careful while driving here. There are so many blind corners and roads are not so crowded. So at high speeds there are chances to face some serious trouble, what you don’t want in a vacation. But drive was scenic and I enjoyed it completely.
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: 7:08PMBad news…my camera is gone.
At flat I tried to start it with different battery and here comes the foul smell from the camera and smoke started to come out from its port. I guess falling on Anjuna beach, water and moister have taken its toll. Anyway long live my Samsung S500. Like a true friend and companion it has given me company and beautiful memories almost always. Weather it was birthday parties or weeding ceremony or the rough and tough terrain of Baba budangiri. What can be a better place to take its last breath than at Goa. Like a soldier’s wish of dying on Indo-Pak battle front. Anyway I wished it could last one more day, as you know you never run short for greediness. Considering I am traveling alone , I was not doing much of photo session. My next camera is going to be a shockproof waterproof one. I have removed the memory card of camera and keep it safe. Whatever comes out from a burning house or sinking sea is a bonus and in this case a broken camera.
Oh. I almost forgot to write about Arambol beach. It was a real treat there. After having bath, I did a long long walk along the beach. Nothing less than 3-4 km one way. Topless with sleepers in my hand and sling bag on my back. It was pretty nice experience and in many ways weird too. Too many foreigners involved in so many activities. Many were doing yoga. I don’t know what Aasan was that. Some guys were doing tricks with crystal balls, so some were doing juggling. At one place one guy who was looking foreigner only was kind of teaching almost 10-15 men-women doing some kind of exercise with sticks. I didn’t have a working camera with me otherwise I could have taken some pictures of it. That was different but didn’t seem tough. I had seen much better tricks with the sticks. Anyway now I was tired, so I returned to my scoter and headed back to my stay. Without much difficulty I returned back after same long but pleasant ride. Back at my stay saw wonderful sunset at Baga beach. It was terrific and enchanting. The orange ball sinking slowly in the majestic Arabian sea. First time I witnessed such a wonderful complete sunset. Watching Sun go down below the horizon with full its glory calmly was enough to calm your mind from every tiredness and anything else. Anyway after my wonderful evening I am back to my room. Had bath. Changed cloths. Writing this. And now will be heading to market, to Tito’s. I am not feeling. I am having a bad throat and coughing whenever I take deep breath. Yesterday also, while having Hukka, I was coughing with every puff. For last three days I didn’t drink water. Now, I guess will have water only in Bangalore. One more day is remaining for my vacation and tonight I will make plans for next day. Morning walk on beach is still pending and not sure of that still. Anyway, now I am heading to Tito’s. Will be back after some time. Tired but don’t want to rest. I am hungry now and now I am leaving for hunting.
Happy Time :)
Date: 15th March, 2010
Time: 10:34PMAt my room…
My Stomach is so much full that it is hurting and I am trying to figure out a posture in which I sleep so that feel a bit relaxed. Well, I am lying on my right side with one leg folded and pillow between my neck and chest. I am even writing in this position. How come I am in this position? Blame it on my bad judgment of dinner order and my habit of not leaving any food in my plate. I ordered one pulp tomato soup, one French fries, one banana shake, one Dal fry and four Tandoori roti. Does it sound enough? Well after that since I became thirsty, I bought one Lt Tropicana orange juice and gulp it all while sitting at Baga beach after coming from dinner. So result is this. Well I believe in an hour it will get settled well inside my tummy.
Yes, I wanted to mention here that I felt like second citizen at restaurant. Waiters don’t treat you well considering you are Indian, local maal. I wont blame them as they expect good tip from white skins. They will greet them, chat with them, keep saying ‘my friend this… my friend that…’blah blah. And when you order, they will just like throw your plate on your table like saying… le sale, Kha… aur ja.
Anyway considering even today’s situation when restaurant was full and I was the only Indian sitting in there, there behavior was a bit understood but not justified. Anyway leave it. Just one more day of vacation and I want to go with a decent memory. I have put alarm in my mobile so that I will have better chance to get up tomorrow morning and have morning walk on the beach.
Phew… what a day.
Four beaches in one day. Calangute, Anjuna, Arambol and lastly Baga. It was quite sunny and hot day. And having bath at Calangute and Arambol was like a bliss. Lastly while sitting at Baga at night with full stary clear sky night was a nice experience. In the dark sea was giving you the idea that this is the end of the world and beyond it another world begins. Only visible and audible sign was the white colour of wave foam and its roaring as it keeps running towards the shore. I was not in a complete mood to sit for long at Baga as I want to get up tomorrow morning. And my wish became action when one big spider (I guess) came from sea side, running and crossed my leg and disappeared in the opposite side in the sand. Believe me I was so scared that in one second I was on my feet with Tropicana tetra pack in my hand and heading towards my room. In the state of fear your action can even surprise you. So now lying on my bed and now my stomach is a bit relaxed but still not very in sync with me. Guess another half an hour is needed. Anyway guys that’s the news for the day. For remaining let me sleep and get up again. Good Night.
P.S. It was clear sky, full of stars and sand was dry and cool. It was amazing feeling sitting at night at Baga (just minus the last moment spider event, even though I am a Spiderman Fan).
Date: 16th March, 2010
Time: 8:55AMI made it.
Putting alarm in my mobile didn’t work as I woke up myself even before at 5:00AM, I guess around 4:15AM(surprised?).
Trust me I had dreams of sea tonight… waves, soaring, majestic ocean. I wont say I enjoyed those dreams as those dreams were making me a restless and that could be the reason for my waking up so early.
So I got up. Brushed my teeth. Its still dark outside. With some thought I get out of my room. I was wearing my red shorts, banian and sleeper.I had room keys and Rs120 in my pocket. I first went to the roof. Oops, its night and I could not see a single sign of day break. I could see all familiar stars. Only visible sign of time The great bear was down North-west (yes, I know the direction here now), so it means night is coming to an end. But its still night and no one is on the road. No sound, I was feeling nervous in going out. Anyway I stepped down the roof. Headed towards the beach after taking short walk on road in completely dark, even without knowing I am walking on road or somewhere else, where I would put my steps on. I just went on my instincts or should I say on guess.
I reached Baga beach.
Damn you Maddy…no one else, its completely dark. I could just hear the soaring sound of sea and some white foams were visible, coming and going with that sound. Above sky is full of stars. Silently I looked here and there for company. But no one.
Now I was real nervous.
Reason was only one…Dogs.
Now you get me. I just sat on sand near sea, thinking if some dog will come, I will just run into the sea for rescue. Well, that didn’t happen but barking of canines keeps coming at different moments which has kept my heart beat racing. Howling sound of these creatures making me think of wolf man. I checked the sky, there is no full moon, so chance of encountering wolverine was eliminated and I got relieved a bit.
After 15-20min I saw first human shadow in the dark and got relaxed. That guy was on walk or on a mission to increase the sea level with his contribution? I didn’t know and didn’t even try to know but getting the company of same species made me feel stronger from inside. But still I am minority on the beach. I could see still many dogs on the beach in light fighting in themselves. I wont say they were playing as this was not the time to play. Well… No harm done, but suddenly after 5 min all light went off on the beach. Now it was dark like hell and those creatures from hell were doing their part to make it feel like hell even better.
I was not able to concentrate on invisible but audible sea and was looking here are there. After spending some time for a while now I am confident (a bit) and took a very short walk towards sea and stand there for a while. Man, sand were was I sitting was cold but see here the see water is feeling so warm.. I suddenly forgot all my fear and nervousness. Now I was with sea not with dogs. I didn’t go much inside, just enough to make my feet wet with coming and going waves. Now there is a slight tiny tinch of less darkness in the east side. Means morning is at doorsteps . I removed my sleeper, took it in my hand and started my Morning Walk.
Well first I headed towards the hill at Baga. After reaching there I headed towards Calangute side. Meanwhile I saw three girls taking snaps and few more man walking on beach. Now we were in equal number with those street or should say sea beach beasts. I took a long long walk, from Baga to Calangute. I just kept walking. Now sea has started being visible slowly slowly and steadily. And sky too becoming clearer with every steps.
Believe me in the morning you should see the sea. Warm at heart and terrific view. Its water looks so blue, who thinks of going to Mauritius now? I am living my days here, right now.
Now sky has become red, but western side is still in dark. But now I can see the sea. The intensity of light is increasing and the sea is becoming more visible and more beautiful. I loved it and felt like jumping into it but I controlled my emotions and continued my walk. I saw many people now. Some are just walking, some jogging and some doing morning yoga. Well I just kept walking seeing them and ever changing the beauty of the sea. I read in my text book of Sanskrit at my school times in some shloka defining, What is beautiful? And the answer was, Every moment which feel new is beautiful. This moment sea view would be one hell of an example of this. Well after reaching Calangute I returned back to Baga. Again long way. Now Sun has become from red to orange to yellow. But still no heat is there. Surprisingly there is no humidity in the air. It was pleasant. I reached Baga after long walk.
Now my heel is aching. I could no more resist to jump into the sea. I removed my cloths, put it on sand with key and money inside my shorts pocket. All restaurants are now open and guys are cleaning and arranging sun beds. Sun is now almost become bright and white. Water is still warm and I jumped into it. I was there for quite a time. Playing with waves or should I say waves were playing with me. It was amazing fun. There were guys, men, women who were pretty deep in sea and were swimming. Well I have to learn first swimming well then I could dare or may be not. I like it here better. Well after having enough bath I dried myself in sun and put banian and shorts over my wet undergarment and took a short walk on beach and then headed back to my room. Now I had taken bath in my shower. Now thinking whether to go to Vagator or not before leaving for Panaji. A bit tired, not proper sleep and long walk could be a reason but anyway lets see.
Meanwhile I also saw people fishing at beach at some shore. I don’t know how they understand where to throw net or which wave will bring them fish. But it was working. They threw the net manually after I guess some study of waves. And lo, there are fishes, small not big ones in the net . They put them in their back side pouch and left. I guess that’s for today meal. Fresh fish, straight from the sea. What else one non-veggie want.
So here is the deal now. I am going to take rest for some time and will decide later whether to go to Vagator, then will leave for Panaji after paying the land lord here. I want to take breakfast too. I am hungry now.
Well guys that is a dream start of the day and last day of trip has given me some terrific memories and moments. I have seen the sea at almost all time. I save my comments for later, which moment it was at its best but for sure each moment it has got its own charm to attract you, to sooth you, calm you and give you the company without saying a word… just roaring.
Date: 16th March, 2010
Time: 12:54PMJust woke up and now ready to leave this place. As you now guess I had a sound sleep and Vagator beach is just washed away in my dream of sea. Well no regret, I had enough of god times and good memories of this place till now. Now just my way back to Bangalore. But before that on my way to ATM I saw a sign board of Fort Aguada. Who knows if I make to that place. Only place apart from beaches in Goa for me. My bus is at 5:15 PM from Panaji. So still plenty of time.
Ok guys, time to say Good Bye to king of holiday spot and exotic scenery and blah blah. If some update comes, will inform you. Otherwise see you in Bangalore. Chill out All of you.
God bless all of you.
Goa Bless Goa.
Date: 16th March, 2010
Time: 2:15PM (approx)Writing this in my way back from Aguada fort. After having coconut water this is a sitting place near a church. Very cool, calm and serene. From very first sight I decided to sit here. I might not believe in love at first sight but you know exceptions are always there .
Aguada fort is a nice place to visit if you have some spare time. from fort there is some cool views of sea. Made by Portuguese in some start of 17th century , remaining history you can read on the notice board at the fort or contact Mr Google. Thick walls, I don’t know how can someone break this kind of stuffs even if there is a war. Anyway very cool shade and considering the heat, doesn’t feel like going. I don’t know the name of tree under which I am sitting but seems like very common in north India. My guess is Ber. Shame on me, as my father is related to Forest department and here I am not recognizing a common tree. Well, now I guess I have to leave for Panaji. Should be another 10-15km of drive. So still have time to reach but less time to visit any other place. Quite a fulfilling experience and nice holiday. The stay was quite amazing, also I should thank Mr Mathew or Manual (owner of the lodge) for providing a nice stay, which I got by chance. I am confused with the name he told me at the time of departure. The stay was quite reasonable. Rs 700 for twin bedroom, which I took individually. I would definitely recommend it to all of you guys. Contact me if you are visiting Goa next. Don’t feel like leaving this place but I have my bus at 5:15PM, so do I have any other choice.
Anyway guys it was fun being here and nice writing this too (first time ever ), for my memory or may be for your reference, if you guys find it of some use or just for time pass sake.
I would acknowledge Aloke, who has given me this diary just two days before I left for Goa. It was quite useful and handy. Now my this holiday has come to an end but now I am thinking for next one. After all that is what you learn from sea, waves keep coming back to the shore for a momentary break continuously. So here is the deal, I am going to have my time and whenever feel my mind is filled and I am gonna come back to Goa or some other place… some holiday… for myself… for my life.
I got a single life and I am gonna make it large… real large.
To Life :)…
All is Well, Even if end is not so well :)P.S. How come everything should be so smooth. I just came back to Panaji and went to bike rental shop. After saying that I will return it in an hour back as my bus is at 5:15PM and there is still time remaining to return the Activa. He refused and said he wont do it. As once it came to shop its over. Well I tried to convince him but he started making fun of it in front of other guys. That was not funny and I got annoyed. He called another fat goon looking guys. He offered him half of a orange and he was his side. After some discussion and argument things got heated up. He threw his orange pieces and came over me. Anyway after listening to his abusive languages and seeing his attitude, I decided to back off. It was kind of cowardice but I think the easy way to call it an end.
Well now sitting in restaurant waiting for bus to come and take me to Bangalore. At last I got some motivation to return as Goa was attracting me not to go. Oh, I forgot to collect my ID card from those assholes. Anyway after finishing my Mountain Dew I am going back in that war zone. My ID, not of my interest and of use, is stuck there. But I will get it back as it belongs to me. Period. So guys, enough of this town. Now I need break from my break. Back to work. Back to Banaglore.
By the way while returning, I had cold coffee at Tito’s. it was wonderful and I just had water first time in Goa. Feeling relaxed and cool. Cool man, chill out. Good-Bad things happens. No worries. It’s the only good experiences and the lesson of bad things that am gonna to treasure in my memory.
Life is Beautiful.